Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Chapter

 new chapter has opened for you

Accept the awakening

Allow what needs to take place, take place

Assert your awareness

Bringing forth a new aspect of you

Of who you are

As this awakening takes place

Be one with God

For when you are one with God

The world opens many new doors

Accept the challenge

To move forward with grace, love and respect

For when you do

life will simplify


Our New Beginning has Begun


Doreen Santina Cote'

December 31, 2020

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Your Choice/ Your Freedom

 Forgive them

Forgive them all

They do not know what they have done

They do not see the full picture

They only see what they feel will benefit them

Oh how I walk and wait for the eyes to open

Yet I am saddened by the ignorance

As we continue with our hope and prayers

Life is being given to the shadow that surrounds us

The light is penetrating and giving us a new day

With this new day our hope and prayers are answered

For this is the resurrection

This is our faith taking control of evil

This is who we are

This is the light of the world

Bringing our connection to God his holiness

Back to life

Will you accept your freedom

I have

Doreen Santina Cote'

December 08, 2020

Saturday, December 5, 2020


 Listen to my words

I love you

I’ve always loved you

I will always love you

You are my child

Made in likeness of me

You have all the qualities I have

You are here, because you chose to be here

Now with all that said

What is it that is keeping you away from me

I would like to know, because I am not angry

I am waiting for you to come back to me

My arms are open

Trust me and trust yourself

Heaven awaits you

All is forgiven

All is forgotten

All is allowing yourself to be free

Come to me

My arms are open

Open your heart and feel my love for you

Doreen Santina Cote'
December 5, 2020