Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Path

When all seems at a loss
Cheer up and talk to your Angles
For they are here to listen, to help, to guide us
When darkness prevails
And the light of understanding is covered
I reach out to my Angles
They are there for me ALL the time
I just need to ask
I just need to remember to ask
I just need to remember to remember to ask
For when I do
My PATH opens

Doreen Santina Cote'

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pure Love

Loosen my grips
I really need to loosen my grips
On my heart
On my spirit
And on my thoughts and words
For I have held tightly
The words I so want to say
To avoid; Confrontation
Yet as these thoughts and words; Stay inside
They eat away
Eating away at my own thoughts and words
And so today
I will speak my truth
Honestly, lovingly and truthfully
For what can become of this, but

Doreen Santina Cote'