Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Whisks of the wind
Sweep by
Crystallizing the moment
In glitter and gold
As falling stars Wrap around
The object of your affection
Mesmerizing the sight
In pure bliss
As you reach out
To touch
The dream that inspires
Your every desire

Doreen Santina Cote'

Monday, February 25, 2008

Dream Big

Settle not for the flower
Settle not for the rose
Dream big
Dream with all you passion
For dreams come true
When you give your ALL


The inspiration of your DREAMS

Doreen Santina Cote'

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Be persistent I say
Be observable today
Nary a moment of glee
Yet as the tides turn
Be open, honest and sincere
For qualities like these
Pleasing you
Shining down on you
Shining within you
Is the most wondrous joy
Ever to behold

Doreen Santina Cote'

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Predict the future
I can not
Predict the time
I look to my watch
But let me see
What is in store for you
Many lies
Many masters
Many greens
Many hills
And many stories
These all await you
Open your eyes the next morning
Be it night
Be it day
It is just a play
Brought to you by
The ONE who loves YOU
Each and every day

Doreen Santina Cote'

Monday, February 18, 2008

God's Love

Many Days
Many Nights
The Stars will come out
And the sun will shine down on you
As you reach and feel the warmth I send
Know that it is meant for you and for everyone on earth
This is my gift to you warmth, love and happiness
Today, tomorrow and all your life through

Doreen Santina Cote'

Monday, February 11, 2008

Puppy Love

Many times the choice we make
Is not what we expect to happen
When we chastise another
Their lips become sealed
Yet when we coat them with honey
Their lips began to wag
Like a joyful puppy
Doreen Santina Cote'

Monday, February 4, 2008


Seconds fly
Days go by
Sugar in your coffee
Never a day
Will see the light
As the light is seen today
Today will come
Today will go
And with that
Life will be aglow
So button you coat
And shovel the snow
Because you are in the know

Doreen Santina Cote'

Friday, February 1, 2008

Star Showers

Star showers and moon rays
Glisten the falling snow
Appetites and walnuts
Give a healthy glow
Sunshine and raindrops
Bring out the magical colors
Unicorns and bobby socks
Give our hearts a flutter
Fishnets and curlers
From a day gone by
Giving us much to think of
As we gaze up high
Doreen Santina Cote'