Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Adjusting My Vision

I gather my thoughts
I gather my mind
I gather all those things that are important to me
The etheric visions
They play such a part of who I am
Yet I cannot touch them
I cannot feel them
But they are so real
They flash before me in an instant
Giving me a false sense of who I am
When I finally get an understanding
Of what is taking place
I am astonished of the power a vision can have
But when I adjust my vision
I adjust my life
I adjust to who I really am

Doreen Santina Cote'

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Benevolent Journey

If I were a ship
I would need water to make my journey
If I was a car
I would need gas to make my journey
I cannot journey alone
By ship, car or by myself
I need assistance
As I contemplate my next move
I give myself to the glory of God
He is always there for me
In all that I do
In all that I say
In all that is
For when I am at a cross road
I turn to God
When I am unsure
I turn to God
But first, I get quiet
And then I hear the most succulent voice
Guiding me on my benevolent journey

Doreen Santina Cote'

Thursday, January 20, 2011

God's Graces

Freedom, freedom to choose
What I think is right for me
As I journey down my path
Many obstacles catch my interest
Yet I stop and observe for only a few
How do I know this is right for me
How do I accept a challenge if it sours me
How do I do what I do
With the grace of God
He Rings change all the time
It's up to me to grab the ring
To journey to an unknown
For I know I will be okay
For God’s Graces
Grace ME

Doreen Santina Cote'

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


As I journey in life
I know there is much more than meets the eye
I've said words that I can not take back
I have views that no one understands
I have hurts that no one knew existed
When I interact with another human being
All aspects of personalities get in the way
At times they are accepted
At times they are rejected
At times they are over whelming
Yet as I unite
I bring to the table
Love, light and God

Doreen Santina Cote'

Monday, January 10, 2011


Reckless ideas
Bring reckless results
Unless I allow myself to be open to Anything
I will never get further than my front door
Unless I allow these thoughts to come and go
Then I will know when the moment is right
I will sieze upon the best outcome for me
And the world will open
Doreen Santina Cote'

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Getting Unstuck

Tears of sadness
Creep up at times
Yet as you cry, realize these are tears of the past
For the past is gone, there is nothing you can do about that
But remember
There is the now and when change is to happen
It happens now
This moment
This time
In all its glory
Love and light
Sweet and simple
You can do it
You can make it happen
Now set your goals
And move forward each moment
Of every day
And you will see great progress

Doreen Santina Cote'