Thursday, June 27, 2013

Being YOU

As you venture into your next cycle
Allow all that is to be all that is
Giving you the courage and strength
To accept that which is yours
To give away that which you have carried
And to release all that is not yours
When these three areas of your persona
Have been cleared
You will stand out
You will take off
You will be all that you hoped you could be
And you will love you for being you
For there is no other
That comes close to the comet
To the magnet
To the soul that you are
Walk in peace
For all else will follow

Doreen Santina Cote'

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Today I feel elated
Today I really feel my emotions
Today is my future
I’ve been waiting so long
For permission
To seek that which I know is my birthright
Not by heritage
But by being a child of God
I can truly say I allow myself this glory
As it washes over me
Seeping into my soul
Sharing with those that cross my path
Aye, I have come full circle
And now
I just bask in this radiance

Doreen Santina Cote'

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


When you forsake yourself
You are cheating the one who loves you
You are taking away all your love and glory
That you have to offer to you
For when you give love to yourself last
Or if you never give love to yourself ever
You loose
Your loose your faith
You loose your trust
You loose any hope of peace
Giving to yourself first and foremost
Is the simplest thing in the whole wide world
Yet we struggle to accept ourselves
With all our wonderments and faults
Take a deep look at yourself
Accepting your faults are your characteristics
Making you the unique person you are
Strong, challenging, ferocious, and meek

Doreen Santina Cote'