Monday, September 7, 2020

Emotional Release

 Wipe away the tears

For the tears are an outcry

An outcry for the sadness within

When we dwell in our pain

Our emotional pain

We put ourselves into a box

Closing the lid and hiding

Hoping, one day the lid will be opened

And the emotional pain gone

Yet staying in this stupor

Brings no good, no help, no release

When I burst through this barrier

I liberate myself

Bringing light, healing and a new day

Allowing God to show me the way

Doreen Santina Cote'
September 7, 2020

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

GOD Within

 Yesterday is gone

Today is here

This moment is where we are

If you dwell on the past or future

You are not present

Stay in the now

Brings you peace, love and light

Understand this

You cannot change the past

You can only be in this moment

Where God Lives Within

Feel Me, Hear Me, Love Me

For I love you too and through

Doreen Santina Cote'

September 1, 2020
