Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Share the wealth
Share the knowledge
There is nothing in this world
That is to be coveted and worshipped
Other than God the Father Almighty
Pray for peace
Pray for Love
Pray for passion
God has directed each of you
To cherish the gifts you have
And when you do
The Heavens will open up around you

Doreen Santina Cote'

Monday, July 30, 2007

Fear Not

Fear NOT the love that is sent to you
Fear NOT the happiness that is coming your way
Fear can be a double edge blade
We need love
We need happiness
The irony of this is
Our ego looks to cause conflict
Thus when we receive the love and happiness we so desire
We turn the tables
Expecting to receive with consequences
When all along if we drop our pretenses
We can accept love and happiness for what they are

True gifts from God

Doreen Santina Cote'

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Child of God

Dear Ones
You flock together
As your flock to the market
You gather your seeds
As you gather gossip
Have you ever tried to lighten the load
It’s easy
Don’t gossip
Be sincere
Be honest
Be trustworthy
Be gracious
And most of all
It’s important to be
Who you really are
A Child of God
Go in peace

Doreen Santina Cote'

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

More Answers

Ever wonder why things are the way they are
Ever wonder why you repeat bad habits
Ever wonder why life is as it is
Then my friend consider yourself human
These are traits of the human body
These are traits of the human mind
If you dwell too much on this you will go loco
So instead get quiet
Sit upright and meditate
When you meditate you connect with yourself
You will connect with God
Then you will have all your answers

Doreen Santina Cote'

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Many times you will get an answer
But the answer you seek is not the one you receive
Then what
Follow your mind or follow your heart
How do you know the difference
When obstacles are in the way and do not part easily
You can guarantee you are following your mind
Yet when the path is clear
You can rest assured You are following your heart

Doreen Santina Cote'

Monday, July 23, 2007


Whine when you 're angry
Sing when you're happy
Light a candle when you're mellow
Play music to move your spirit
Dance, drink be merry

Doreen Santina Cote'

Friday, July 20, 2007

Change Your Thoughts

When I stand by God
He stands by Me
When I give my heart
I leave myself open
When I give my love
Love is sent back to me
When I release my old patterns
New ones quickly take their place
It’s about your thoughts
It’s about your mind
When you change your thoughts
You change your mind
Believe me when I say
Overcoming a difficulty is

Mind over matter

Doreen Santina Cote'

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Glory to those who
Challenge themselves
Glory to those who
Seek the Truth
Glory to those who
Open their minds and hearts

To all possibilities

Doreen Santina Cote'

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

See the World

For those of you who see their nose in front of them
Look out and see the world
You are missing all the enjoyments

God has created for you

Doreen Santina Cote'

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


In this journey that we call earth
A spark is lit in our minds eye
This spark allows us to be intuitive
To be gracious
To be love
To share with one another the gift of life
Yet when we get stuck in our stuff
We have bitter swords cutting others with our tongues
To lighten the load
To get to the point where we were as we were created
Love has to penetrate the ego
Love has to penetrate the mind
Love has to illuminate to each and everything we see and touch
For once we do The world will open up to be our paradise

Doreen Santina Cote'

Friday, July 13, 2007

Bless Yourself

Bless your brothers and sisters
Bless your children and spouses
Bless your parents
Who brought you into this world
But most of all
Bless yourself
Forgive yourself
Trust yourself
For when you do
Your flame shines brighter

Doreen Santina Cote'

Thursday, July 12, 2007


is a state of being
by touching the stars in your heart
the task of an empty universe
And you will see the vast possibilities
That you can materialize
This is where the journey takes us
To the
Universe of your Mind

Doreen Santina Cote'

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Ring in the tones
To bring your Heat and Soul to consciousness
When you do
Your path will be illuminated
Follow the path for the journey of your life
Follow it with Glee

Doreen Santina Cote'

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Complete Your Cycle

Simple is the task to complete your cycle
Step one open the door
Step two write down your ideas
Step three follow your passion
For when you follow your passion
The whole world opens up to you

Doreen Santina Cote

Monday, July 9, 2007

Love is Abound

Fret Not
Worry Not
When Love is abound
You are at your best
Take heed and feel the Love inside and outside
When you do you will know pure bliss

Doreen Santina Cote

Friday, July 6, 2007


Journey into the sun
Journey into the vast universe
For when you connect your soul
To the vastness that is out there
Your are truly Universal
And the whole Universe opens up to YOU

Doreen Santina Cote'

Thursday, July 5, 2007


Imagine the stars are like popcorn
Imagine you can reach up and grab one or two
Imagine people all getting along
There are some things that are real
And some things we wish were real If stars are popcorn
And people are all sincere
Imagination can make our minds believe anything
What are you believing
Do you think its really real
Or is it you convincing yourself its real

Doreen Santina Cote'

Monday, July 2, 2007


Sugar in your coffee
Will sweeten the flavor
Sugar in your thoughts
Will bring harmony
Sugar in your heart
Will make spoken words melodious
Without the sugar
You are tasting, thinking, feeling and saying
The truth of who and what you are
Is the sugar really necessary
Or can you be as sweet without any additives

Doreen Santina Cote'