Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Time

As the flowers grow
In the Spring
As the hibernating creatures
Come alive
Shedding their winter tags
So do the spirits within us
Allowing the new birth of Spring time
To enter our souls
To cleanse
Our feet, Our minds, Our hearts
Bringing joy to ourselves and those we meet
When the windows can now be open Many things come in
Many things go out
As with ourselves
Bringing in the new
Cleansing the old
Rejoice in the new

Doreen Santina Cote'

Friday, March 19, 2010


As light travels
So does sound
Permeating your soul
Spinning you around
Showing you precious moments
Igniting the fire within
Expanding your knowledge
Lighting your path
Showing you
Giving you
Pushing you
To enlightenment
For there is glory
The peace and the giver of life
Doreen Santina Cote'

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I AM Ready

When you clear the energy
The tension will disappear
Allowing connectivity
To those you thought
Were lost forever
How can an eight and ten year old
Make such havoc
It was the anger energy
Stomping their feet
It's me, it's me
And until the awareness
Was brought about
They separated me from family
And until I recognized them
Eight and Ten
And held out my hand
They held the anger fierce and strong
Yet when I reached out and comforted them
Pulling them to my breast
As we united one in one
The alignment occurred
The anger dissipated
And freedom shouted
I am here, I am here
Are you ready to play
Doreen Santina Cote'

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Finding ME

My many faces
My many souls
Bring forth
The glory
That I present to all I meet
For I have found
The me of me
The I of I
The love of love
For that is who I am

Doreen Santina Cote'