Friday, September 30, 2011


When life has its ups and downs
When all is at wits end
When you last nerve is ready to snap
Call on me
Call on me, for I am here
I am here to guide you
I am here to show you the way
I am here to answer your prayers
In snow, sleet or rain
I will deliver
But remember
I can only give you
What you are asking for
No more, no less
For in your eyes
You have the vision
And that my dear is called Clarity

Doreen Santina Cote'

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


When is fair, fair
That is one of the questions
I ask myself, all the time
When do I think fair is fair
So when is it not fair
Am I getting cheated
And by who’s standards
Mine and mine alone
When I’ve come to this realization
It opened my world
Allowing events to take place
To just happen
And I don’t even judge them
Giving me many opportunities
That I would have cast aside

Doreen Santina Cote'

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Humor, humor for the soul
Lightens my burden
Stretches my mind, my heart, my love
For there is nothing
Nothing in the material world
That surpasses the feelings
That I feel today
Nothing comes close
Nothing can deliver
The joy, that comes from my heart
Surrounding me with bliss
As I soar

Doreen Santina Cote'

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Stepping In

Stand tall
Breathe in
Enjoy the rapture
For it is enveloping me
Closing in
Wrapping me with
Glory and glee
Understanding and friendship
Calling out to me
To understand
To release
To accept
To be who I am
In every inch of my cells

Doreen Santina Cote'

Monday, September 12, 2011

I Am Here

Behold my dear
There is a story here
I have come to let you in
To bring to you the almighty
Tears and cheers
Go hand in hand
Leaving unanswered questions
For when I arrive
I will be by your side
Never leaving
Never squeezing
You see my dear I am here

Doreen Santina Cote'

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Many times I have awakened
And stepped back
I have awakened
And I stepped back, because
I feared my power
My power is the Light
The Light of God
The opening to the Universe
The Universe of the Unknown
I accept my Power
I accept the Universe
I accept the Unknown
And above all else
I accept God

Doreen Santina Cote'