Words, emotions, feelings
Are strung out to embody
The trust that is not there
To hover on dreams
That are made up
To replay scenes that once existed
Wearily I think, if only
And then the thought is gone
If only, plays in my mind
This is not reality
Reality is the here and now
And she/he is no part of that
And so I continue to exist
Wondering, dreaming, yearning
Yet I will not make a move
For I feel I’m in a glass box
And I have not walked out
Until I do, I am stuck
In the if only’s
Are strung out to embody
The trust that is not there
To hover on dreams
That are made up
To replay scenes that once existed
Wearily I think, if only
And then the thought is gone
If only, plays in my mind
This is not reality
Reality is the here and now
And she/he is no part of that
And so I continue to exist
Wondering, dreaming, yearning
Yet I will not make a move
For I feel I’m in a glass box
And I have not walked out
Until I do, I am stuck
In the if only’s
Doreen Santina Cote'