Fear is based in the mind
The mind is controlled by the Ego
The ego is fed by the devil
When you feed the ego
Love and Light
Peace and Harmony
God and the Angels
The Ego quiets down
It fights to stay alive
In other circumstances
Yet the Holy Spirit and God
Emit the goodness of life
Taking you to heights
You could never have dreamed
Releasing the fear and quieting the mind
The mind is controlled by the Ego
The ego is fed by the devil
When you feed the ego
Love and Light
Peace and Harmony
God and the Angels
The Ego quiets down
It fights to stay alive
In other circumstances
Yet the Holy Spirit and God
Emit the goodness of life
Taking you to heights
You could never have dreamed
Releasing the fear and quieting the mind
To bring eternal life
Doreen Santina Cote'